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Orjen and sorounding areas are perfect environment for cycling. There are many tracks,running through the nature, that can be used for cycling (mountain biking). These paths are rarely used by car drivers, end they go through the prettiest regions, worth a visit.

Vrbanj (1009 m) – Orjensko sedlo (1600 m)

Estimated time of ascent: 01:00- 01:50, discent : 00:30- 01:00, technical difficulty: average, physical difficulty: average, final destination: a passage on the higest point of the massif that can be approached by the road, great view.


Vrbanj (1009 m) – Vučji do (1080 m)

Time: 00:20- 00:40, technical difficulty : moderate, physical: moderate, destination: traditional katun, settled in the base of Subra, one of the well known peaks of Orjen.


Vrbanj (1009 m) – Žukovica (1150 m)

Time in ascent: 00:20-00:30, discent: 00:20-00:30, technical difficulty:moderate, physical: moderate, destination: katun and sightseeing point of Subra Amphitheatre, the most interesting detail of Adriatic Dinarides.


Orjensko sedlo (1600 m) – Crkvice (1080 m)

Time in discent: oo:45- 01:15, time in ascent: 01:15-02:20, technical difficulty: moderate, physical: moderate, destination: remains of austro-hungarian military barrackand nearby fortifications.


Mokrine (490 m) – Vidov vrh (781 m) – Sitnica (870 m)

Time in ascent: 01:10-01:50 (without stopping at Vidov vrh), time in discent:00:45-01:15 (without pausing at Vidov vrh), technical difficulty: moderate to great, physical difficuly: great in ascent, moderate in descent, destination: the road itself is a main curiosity, as well as the lovely viewing points at the dispatching points to Vidov vrh and Ravni brijeg.


Kameno (485 m) – Žlijebska lastva (900 m) – Dugunja (1000 m) – Ubli (750 m)

Time in ascent:01:10-01:40, in ascent: 00:30-00:50, technical difficulty: minor, physical: moderate, destination: Large village sorounded by peaks of Orjen, excellent viewing points by the way.


Kameno (485 m) – Borići (800 m) – Kamenska ravan (1160 m)

Time in ascent:01:10-02:00, time in ascent: 00:40-01:00, technical difficulty: moderate,great on macadam, physical difficulty: great in ascent, destination: coming to the base part of the passage Vratlo is an enjoyment itself, with a beautiful mountain milieu, and after the passage we are entering a central massif with karst valleys, rocky ridges, and the most impressive –Subra.


Kameno (485 m) – Silobod (480 m)

Time:00:30-00:45,technical difficulty: minor, physical:moderate, destination: finishing sequence is a hiking-cycling track with excellent view of the entrance to Boka Kotorska and sorounding hiking tracks.


Meljine – Torion (130 m) – Kameno (485 m)

Vrijeme: 00:30 – 00:45, tehnička težina: mala, fizička težina: umjerena, odredište: u završnici se prolazi pješačko-biciklističkom stazom sa odličnim pogledom na ulaz u Boku Kotorsku i okolnim pješačkim destinacijama.